Otto Gustaf Graf - Father of Lars-Gustaf, Isse's only child
∗ 16 April 1882 in Tåby Socken/Parish, Östergötland, Sweden.
† 18 August 1968 in Stockholm.
Mother: Laura Graf ∗ 23 March, 1861 † 1946
Maiden name: Lignell
Father: Otto Graf ∗1838 † 1909
Brothers: Otto Wilhelm Graf ∗ 1884 and Sven Graf∗1886 † 1947
Grandmother: Constance Lignell ∗ 1837 † 1906
Inez (Isse) announced to her family that she and Gustaf Graf would marry, they would have a son, and then divorce.
Gustaf married Inez (Isse) Margareta Johnsson on 31 May 1926 in Stockholm.
Their son Eric Lars-Gustaf was born on 22 December 1926.
Gustaf and Isse were divorced on 14 June 1928.
Isse and Gustaf never talked about each other to their families. If Isse's family was present when Gustaf came to visit their son, the family had to leave the room. It appears that Gustaf never interacted with Isse's family and that Isse never interacted with Gustaf's family with a few exceptions; the funeral of their son Lars-Gustaf, Gustaf's nephew Wilhelm was Isse's physician, and Isse attended the funeral cermony for Gustaf in 1968.

In 1924 Gustaf, together with other non-military riders, forms the civilian riders association "Civila Ryttarförbundet"

Isse and Gustaf marry in Stockholm on 31 May 1926. Gustaf is 44 and Isse is 29 years old.
They will get a divorce on 14 June 1928.

Air Force Cadet
Lars-Gustaf, 19 years old, is killed when piloting a fighter plane on
June 6th, 1946.